Simple And Effective Tips For Writing Your Essay Fast

Writing an essay is one of those tasks most students would rather avoid. However, it is also one of the most important assignments in school, and it is inevitable. Essay writing entails a lot of individual effort, and you have to spend hours researching.

What's more, you have to conform to stringent writing guidelines, and all these make essay writing a tedious task. Things get more complicated when you are short on time, and a deadline looms. While many students resort to plagiarism, there are effective strategies you can use to write your essay fast without compromising on the quality.

Below are some of these effective tips to write your essay fast:

Get rid of all distractions

One of the best ways to improve productivity in writing is to get rid of distractions. When you are short on time, you need a quiet secluded space away from the noise and any other distractions.

You need full concentration to organize your ideas into an essay. Switch off all your electronic devices for better concentration. It is an easy yet ignored tip for writing an essay fast.

Read The Essay Prompt Carefully

You should read the essay question slowly and underline all the important aspects of the prompt. Note down all the main requirements, including the format, word count, and the prompt and other details. This guarantees you won’t make time-wasting mistakes when you start writing.

Gather all Materials

Now that you have identified the ideal working space look for the materials you need for your essay. Looking at the essay guidelines gives you an idea of everything you need to get started. Make sure you have all the research materials for writing a quality paper.

Plan Your Time

The time available might be short, but you have to plan it to get the best out of every minute. If you only have 30 minutes, for instance, divide this into time for finding the topic, crafting the outline, writing the thesis, introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion, and revising the paper. Dedicating more time on preparations helps you write fast when you start.


This is the most important aspect of essay preparations. It is advisable to use at least 20% of the time available, creating an outline.

This should include the essay topic, thesis, paragraph ideas, and key topic sentences for the paragraphs. Your outline serves as the outline for your work and reduces time wastage when you start writing.

Revise and Edit your paper

In a rush to submit the paper, don’t forget to revise it and make any necessary corrections. You should use about 5 to 15 minutes, revising your essay to avoid losing marks due to unnecessary mistakes. Check the grammar and the structure of your essay. Make sure you have included all the ideas in the outline.

Writing an essay when a deadline looms is a daunting task. However, with good planning, you can ace your essay and submit a quality paper. Try these tips whenever you have to write an essay fast.
